Easy Answer: Why ClearTech chooses Q-SYS November 2023

Attitudes toward collaboration have evolved dramatically over the past few years. Fueled both by technology advances and pandemic-imposed requirements, organizations of all stripes have come to realize that the hybrid workplace is here to stay. More than that, they’ve zeroed in on what a dispersed workforce needs from collaboration technology: simplicity, reliability, and scalability.
Switching over to a game changer

Recently, we completed the first phase of a project for a high-profile entertainment company with locations worldwide. The assignment: to develop a videoconferencing standard that can be adopted organization wide. At the heart of the solution we provided was the Q-SYS audio, video and control platform. The fact that we chose Q-SYS over some well-established alternatives says a lot about what a game changer QSC has created.

Perhaps the best way to understand the value of the Q-SYS platform is to look first at how we approach each project. It involves listening to the client, gaining a keen understanding of all their pain points and strategic goals, and coming back to them with a solution that not only addresses the needs they’ve identified, but all the considerations that have popped up on our radar screen. Our goal is to be a trusted partner to our clients – an ally they can count on to keep their technology infrastructure performing at peak levels. And that means really THINKING on their behalf about the entire project life cycle from design through launch to end-of-life.
Easy to use. Easy to choose
In this case, we had a client with far-flung operations that required constant, multi-party collaboration among a large number of users. Rather than treating each room or facility as a standalone project, the client wanted to establish a standardized conferencing solution that employees only had to learn once and could then navigate successfully at any of the company’s myriad facilities. They also wanted a system that wasn’t just easy to operate but also simple to troubleshoot and service.
Another key project requirement was that the solution be deployable quickly. The organization’s current system was not performing well and the need for multi-party collaboration was growing by the day.
Our research took us in a new direction

We dove DEEP into possible solutions, and at every turn we landed at Q-SYS. As we investigated Q-SYS with our client, they were struck by the simplicity and elegance of the solution it provided. Q-SYS, our client discovered, was designed both for ease of use and for ease of integration.
There are some very robust UC platforms out there, but you pay a price for all that capability. Ultra-powerful systems typically require custom coding and programming. That level of specialization takes time, costs money, and can lead to expensive fixes and upgrades down the line.
Great enough to win our trust
Let’s go back to where we started: From single-location organizations to global enterprise clients like this one, organizations today want simple, reliable, and scalable solutions. The beauty of
Q-SYS is that it studiously avoids overkill. It might not be the answer for absolutely every application, but it’s a powerful performer that won’t break a sweat while meeting the needs of 99% of users.

“Today Q-SYS may not be the answer for, say, a full matrix assembly room where you have multiple inputs and outputs, but for small, medium and large conference rooms, it’s a reliable and very flexible solution that enables a substantial degree of customization without complicated programming,” says ClearTech CTO Joe Perez. “Moreover, Q-SYS plays well with all the manufacturers we know and trust.”
Continues Perez: “Maybe you’re thinking that we chose Q-SYS for this client because it was ‘good enough” for most uses. But ‘good enough’ doesn’t do this technology justice. It’s great enough to have earned our admiration and trust. Just as important, the Q-SYS platform has earned raves from our client, who is eager to adopt this standard across its communication infrastructure.”
The lessons we’ve learned again and again
So what’s the lesson here? There are a few, the first one being: Listen to your clients. Get a real handle on what they need and take the time to anticipate how those requirements will evolve over time. Second, never settle for the status quo. Bring a fresh perspective to each project and start the process of solution creation with a blank slate. Technology is evolving rapidly. New paradigms can arise. If you’re serious about being a trusted partner to your clients, you owe it to them to explore every option, both established and ascendant.