What it means to really “be there” for our clients September 2024

What it means to really “be there” for our clients

By continuously honing our systems and processes, ClearTech provides tremendous peace of mind for clients trying to navigate non-stop technological change and the rapid evolution of the workplace. Offerings like ClearTech Connect Managed AV Services, for example, ensure the working status of our clients’ collaboration infrastructure and keep them a step ahead of the technology curve. 

But everything we do – including every system and process – is built on a foundation of personal commitment and partnership. That’s what sustains our long-term client relationships and keeps us true to our mission. 

Case in point: David Navarro, a ClearTech team member who embodies our ethos of making business personal. Working in the capacity of warehouse manager, service coordinator and project coordinator, David touches every aspect of what we do – and both we and our clients are the better for it. Allow us to introduce you. 

David Navarro

First, tell us a little about how you came to ClearTech.

David: During my undergraduate years, I worked seasonally for the company – maybe for a month or two at a time. Initially, my goal was just to earn extra money for school. I was studying Health Sciences. But I really gravitated to the work and the culture at ClearTech, and after earning my BS I accepted the offer of a full-time position. 

What is it about the company and the position that appealed to you?

Well, the work really aligned with my strengths. I’m a very detail-oriented person, I have a strong memory, and people tell me I’m a good communicator. Along with just being dedicated and responsible, it turns out that those are probably the three keys to succeeding in my job.

Essentially, I wear three hats. My official title is Warehouse Supervisor, and in that capacity I oversee and manage all the shipping, receiving and ordering of equipment. It’s a job that puts me pretty much in the center of everything. I work with the people who design our solutions and the teams that integrate them, and I’m intimately involved in service and support. When you do complex, high-end work like we do, there are a lot of moving parts, which means communication and follow-through are essential. I might be successful in juggling a thousand details, but what happens if I forget, say, to order a key peripheral that we spec’d for a solution? That can reverberate in ways that add days a project and can, in turn, impact other projects. Fortunately, I’m a person who checks and double-checks. I know how important the little things can be and it’s kind of a point of pride for me to get them right.

Another hat I wear is Service Coordinator, which means I’m a first responder for any service requests that come in from clients. I ask what the issue is, then go ahead and coordinate our service techs to diagnose and fix the problem. This involves creating service tickets and making sure all the work is recorded. Then I have to schedule out the service techs for all the jobs. Plus, I quote the service projects and make sure we get paid. 

Third, I’m a Project Coordinator. In that role, I handle project ordering, project creation, and procurement, plus a number of post-completion tasks. For example, I receive gear that we end up not using on a job. It’s on me to return it to inventory and ensure it never gets lost, because we may need that precise piece of equipment in the future. 

You mentioned being dedicated and responsible. Do you think those qualities come naturally to you?

I do. I come from a family that has a powerful work ethic. I grew up in an environment where everywhere I looked, I saw people working hard. But I think dedication and a willingness to take responsibility are also things that an organization brings out in people.

Would you say that ClearTech has done that for you?

Very much so. Doing the right thing, helping your coworkers, going the extra mile for clients even when it adds time or complexity to a project…those actions are valued and rewarded here. They’re part of our culture. 

Tell us more about the ClearTech culture.

I think a core feature of it is that we treat everyone like family. We don’t know each other only as coworkers. We know people’s parents and brothers, sisters, and kids. For example, we have quarterly barbeques where everyone is welcome to invite their family members. By the way, we also extend an open invitation to clients and vendors. 

If you looked at my phone, you’d see that I not only have the numbers of most of the people at ClearTech, but also a lot of our clients. We’re one of the few companies where a customer is welcome to call any of us directly when they have an issue. You don’t have to go through a phone tree on an 800 number. When it comes to helping clients we all take responsibility. And that’s because we all genuinely care about them. We also have a strong problem-solving mentality. If a client calls me with a problem I don’t know how to solve, lots of times I’m going to just figure it out, learn it and attack it. The attitude is: We get it done.

And if a coworker needs help, the same attitude prevails. After all, everything we do ultimately is about serving the clients, and the better we are at that, the stronger and more successful an organization we’ll be.

Any other ways that ClearTech’s culture impacts the way you do your job?

It’s amazing the way we’ve embraced sustainability. And once you start, you can’t stop. Even with scraps of cable that, back in the past, I would have thrown out, now it goes into a specific receptacle. We don’t even throw screws in the trash. 

Oh, there’s another aspect of our culture that’s important, which is that ClearTech cares about us as people, not just employees. Here’s a good example: My dad had a catering business that I’ve since taken over. At a lot of organizations, this would be seen as an imposition – something that could distract me from my full-time job. At ClearTech, I’ve become the resident caterer! I love the catering, and it’s such a pleasure to be able to cook for my coworkers and clients. 

I think when you feel valued like that, you just work harder. You care more. We have a tight-knit group at ClearTech, and that extends to our client relationships. There’s a feeling that we’re all in this together, and that we’re where we’re supposed to be.